Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Remote Update for December 16, 2020

 Below are some updates to go with our recent switch to remote learning. 

Schedule for Remote Classes for the Coming Days

The following was sent in a previous blog about the remote schedule: 

  • We would continue to follow our current schedule to meet synchronously with students on Zoom or Google Meet. The days set aside for 9th & 10th grade and 11th & 12th grade would stay the same. Class periods and those times when a teacher would meet with their classes would stay the same. 
  • Wednesdays would remain set aside for office hours as well as other times to meet with students and for planning time.
  • Content would continue to be pushed out electronically to students via Google Classroom or other digital means asynchronously on the remote days as it is now.

Shortened Week Schedule Next Week

As we did prior to Thanksgiving we adjusted the days when students would meet with their teachers. The difference now is that these class days will be virtual the difference is below:

Monday December 21

  • Grades 9 & 10 will follow their class schedule virtually Monday. 
Tuesday, December 22  
  • Grades 11 & 12 will follow their class schedule virtually on Tuesday.
Wednesday December 23
  • Scheduled remote check-in day for all students.

BOCES Transportation During Remote Period

From December 17 through December 23, students will continue to be bussed to and from the high school to their BOCES programs. Any student needing transportation to and from West Genesee High School to catch the bus to their respective BOCES programs can request transportation by emailing your request to dprice@westgenesee.org. If you have further questions please contact the aforementioned email or call the transportation department at 315-487-4576.