Friday, October 16, 2020

October 16, 2020

Here we are at the five week point of school. Although it is a fairly short milestone in the year, it is our first since our return. I cannot express my gratitude for the fact we are open, even under these limited conditions, and the work that continues to go into seemingly simple things like getting hot meals out to our students during the day. Enjoy the weekend!  Below are some updates for the week.

Five Week Progress Reports

Five week reports are available now on Schooltool. To aid in accessing those reports there is a video to help you access the reports. Please click this link: to access the video.

Please remind your child or children that we are grading using a typical grading system and not the Pass/Fail system of the fourth quarter in the spring.

Reminder About Remote Learning in the Event of a Shutdown

Many of you have probably seen in the news when different buildings within different districts around the region have had to switch, at least temporarily, to remote learning. I wanted to share a reminder below what a switch to remote learning, either for a short or long term, would look like. If we were to switch to fully remote learning:

  • We would continue to follow our current schedule to meet synchronously with students on Zoom or Google Meet. The days set aside for 9th & 10th grade and 11th & 12th grade would stay the same. Class periods and those times when a teacher would meet with their classes would stay the same. 

  • Wednesdays would remain set aside for office hours as well as other times to meet with students and for planning time.

  • Content would continue to be pushed out electronically to students via Google Classroom or other digital means asynchronously on the remote days as it is now.

We hope to stay optimistic about how long we remain open, but we want to make sure we are prepared for the transition if we should have to go remote learning.

Operoo Logo
Operoo/Attendance Update  

Just a reminder that students that are either fully remote, or on remote days  students on the hybrid model, need to submit attendance via Operoo. The attendance is part of our required reporting for the state. If you are having issues with the Operoo account you can reach out to our registrar's office at:

Here are a couple of instructional videos to help as well:

Operoo Account Creation and Submission Video

Forgot Password Video

Have a great weekend and be well,

Wayne Ackles
Executive Principal