Friday, September 11, 2020

Friday, September 11, 2020

It's hard to believe that the first couple of school days are already behind us. Our teachers, counselors, support staff, and students all did a fantastic job during our opening days this week. Below are some images from the preparations and the opening. 

An English Class on 9/11/2020

Preparations Last Week

Cleaning Between Classes 

Additional Chromebook & Remote Materials Pick Up

If you were not able to make the last two Chromebook and remote materials retrieval days, there will be an additional day on Wednesday, September 16 from 9-11 AM and then 1-3 PM. The pick up will be on the atrium side of the school. Please enter from West Genesee Street by Applebees. This pick up is for those students who are fully remote.

Office Hours for Remote Wednesdays

Below is the schedule for students to reach out and check-in on Remote Wednesdays. The office hours are meant for a block of time for students to touch base and get additional assistance.  

8:30 -9:15 AM


9:15 - 10:00 AM


10:00 - 10:45 AM


10:45 - 11:15 AM

Business & Tech

11:15 - 12:00 PM


12:00 - 12:45 PM


12:45 - 1:30 PM

Social Studies

1:30 - 2:15 PM

Fine Arts

Lunch Reminders

  • Lunches must be pre-ordered on the Nutrislice system. A description of the app and how to use it, are included in the packet that was mailed to your home or by clicking here
  • If lunches are not pre-ordered they can be ordered in a student homeroom.

Vaccination Reminder

The emphasis on COVID-19 may have overshadowed some other vaccination requirements for students. Our nurses have sent out letters to remind families that Seniors are required to have their two doses of Meningococcal vaccine OR one dose if the dose was received at 16 or older.

Students who still have not had those vaccinations will not be allowed to return to school. Please reach out to our nurses if you need guidance on this topic. or

Students still needing vaccinations on Friday, September 25 will be asked to remain home until they have received the vaccination.

Meet the Principals Night

Save the Date: Wednesday, September 16 will be a Virtual Meet the Principals Night. The purpose of the night will be to provide information about the year for the high school. Please watch for an additional communication to sign-up for the event.  

PSATs Saturday, October 17 

West Genesee High School will be offering the PSAT on October 17, 2020. The day will be limited to 150 students to safely accommodate the test takers. Please look for future updates for times or contact the Counseling Office for more specific information.

Welcome back! Wayne Ackles Executive Principal