Friday, May 29, 2020

Spring has Finally Arrived

June begins on Monday. I checked the calendar again to make sure it was correct. Spring, and a taste of summer, have finally arrived giving us more options during these times. There are a number of items below people have emailed me about so I hope this helps with that communication.


Our yearbook advisors, Mrs. Pooler and Mrs. Hennessey, have been in regular contact with our yearbook publisher about the arrival of our yearbooks. The publisher has not been able to provide us with a date due to delays that occurred as a result of the lock down in the early stages of the pandemic. When we have the information for arrival of the yearbooks, we will communicate the dates and method for distribution.

Locker Cleanout Reminder

Students who are in grades 9-11 may keep items in their lockers for next year. Seniors and others that may want to retrieve items may do so on the following dates: PE lockers will be cleaned out on June 2-4. Hallway locker clean-out will be the week of June 15-19. Please refer to the previously released schedule by clicking here.

Year End Grading

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I hope this letter finds you and your loved ones well. The return of sunshine and decent weather has been a welcome sight in recent days. Back in April, I said that the method for the calculation for final averages would be shared at a later date. The grading process below was created after consulting teachers here at West Genesee and looking at proposed grading systems from our local region and across the state. We adopted the structure below for its recognition of the work through the third marking period, the straightforward nature for calculation, and how it brings a student’s studies to a close for the 2019-2020 year. The details are as follows:

  • A student will earn a pass for the fourth marking period if 50% or more of the MP4 assignments are “Complete.” 
  • If a student’s average for marking periods one through three for full-year courses (or the MP3 average for a semester course) is 65 or greater, s/he will receive course credit. 
  • Students whose average of marking periods one through three are below a 65, and within the range of approximately 58-64, will be considered for course credit if the student has received a P for the Fourth marking period.   
  • Students who need course credit recovery at the end of the 2019-2020 school year will be able to attend remote sessions of summer school for core area classes. These classes will be held from July 8- August 24. Please check with your child’s counselor for further details.

If you have any questions about the grading structure, please feel free to reach out to your child’s counselor, grade level principal, or me. 

Be well, stay safe, and be Stronger Together.
Wayne Ackles
Executive Principal