Thursday, December 19, 2019

Holiday Break Edition

I want to wish you all a Happy Holiday Season! It is hard to believe that 2019 is coming to a close. As I reflect back on the past four months, I am so proud of our students and proud to be part of the Wildcat Nation. As a new year and decade beckons, I look forward to moving forward with our students and community. Enjoy the coming break and the chance to recharge and refresh with friends and family. Best wishes to you all!

Course Fair 

Our annual Course Fair was held on Wednesday, December 18. It was a fantastic opportunity for West Genesee High School students to see the variety of courses that they have access to participate in. Special day with a lot of energy and excitement. Special thanks to Mrs. Klefbeck and her leadership in organizing the fair.

No IT Afterschool Friday, December 20

There will be no IT afterschool Friday, December 20. Students who do not have a sports practice should depart at the typical end of day dismissal time. Scheduled sports practices and buses will take place as normal.

Student Recognitions

Every month high school students are recognized for the following: Seniors of the MonthStudents of the Month-BusinessStudents of the Month-Mathematics; and starting back up in January, Science Students of the Month. To read about these recognitions every month from the website, click here.

Recent Principals Recognition Winners
The following students are recent recipients of the Principals Recognition honor: 

Jose Kaltenborn, Cullen Kerchner, Lia Rice, Claire Kitts, Jaelynn Colon, Michael Sarakos, Janine Abdelfatah, Analise Castro, Destiny Comins, Jacob Harrington, Grace Lannon, Ella Merritt, Jacob Mueller, Hope O'Connor, Olivia Pistello, Dominick Procopio, Ella Robertson, Abigail Santola, and Mia Wallak. 

Midterms/Finals and Regents Week on the Horizon

In a short time after we return from the break it will be time for midterms, finals, or Regents Exams. Each student should check with their teacher about what type of exam they should expect. A test schedule will be available after the break. The exam week is January 21-January 24. The following Monday, January 27, is a professional development day for staff, and students will not have school. 

WGCSD Strategic Plan: Calls for Commentary

Every year, the West Genesee CSD Strategic Planning Team comes together to review our progress toward improvement and make recommendations for continued growth. One of the key pieces of feedback is from our staff, students, and community.

Would you please take a few minutes to complete this survey at
Tell us about our areas of strength and opportunities for growth.

Thank you for helping us get better -- every day. (Entries will be accepted through Friday, January 24, 2020.)